Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow Review

You toss. You turn. You cast evil glances at your partner who’s sleeping like a baby.

Unfair? You bet. But you’re not the only person suffering.

According to the Harvard Medical School, 75% of the people in their study lost sleep during the week and these subjects were only getting an average of six hours nightly, to begin with!

Start losing sleep and your crabby alter-ego kicks in, but your body suffers too.

Perpetual insomnia can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

You don’t have to put up with this — and you sure don’t want to spend a bundle on sleep clinics and drugs.

Instead, may we introduce you to the Leachco Snoogle total body pillow?

It won’t make your coffee in the morning, but you might not care once you discover this affordable solution to a great night’s sleep!



4 Key Features


1) This amazing pillow never met a body part it couldn’t support, so whether the tension keeping you up at night resides in your stomach, neck, hips or back, this product is engineered to put an end to that.

2) Our comfortable, durable body pillow is a best seller, so whether you’re pregnant and require extra support or your body is weary of aches and pains, you’ll agree it’s worth the money.

3) At 60-inches in length, your Leachco Snoogle total body pillow conforms to all bodies — even tall ones!

4) The removable cover can be laundered fast so the just-washed scent sticks around night after night.


Benefits Galore


  • Enjoy improved sleep by experimenting with this Snoogle pillow to find the exact position that suits your needs. This pillow doubles your comfort, offering unprecedented relaxation benefits.
  • Kiss pain goodbye if you’re afflicted with aches and pains associated with tension or injury. Give afflicted areas of your body – stomach, neck, hip(s) and back — what they crave: lots of TLC.
  • The ergonomically-designed horseshoe shape follows the form and contour of your body, cradling muscles and promoting spine alignment. Plenty of Snoogle pillow loyalists swear their back pain is history.
  • Consider the Snoogle your “nanny before baby” helper if you’re pregnant and crave a good night’s sleep. This pillow babies your body while you’re pregnant and you can use it to nurse your little one after he or she arrives.


How to Position Your Snoogle


Is there an art to positioning and configuring a custom pillow? Of course.

Other manufacturers turn shoppers lose without informing them how to properly use their products but we wouldn’t think of it.

After all, before our first pillow hit the market, we solicited input from a registered nurse and moms.

Place the pillow so runs the length of your bed; the horseshoe section nearest to your headboard while the remainder of the pillow extends vertically toward the footboard.

Whether you prefer to sleep face in or out, this full body pillow will accommodate your restlessness!

Just switch the pillow when you switch sleeping positions.

The midsection of your pillow should align with your back or belly so you receive the maximum support.

The pillow tail curves back to fit snugly between your legs.

It’s okay to experiment as you grow accustomed to snuggling your sleep aid.

You’ll figure out exactly where to position it to get the best knee, leg or hip support and relief.




The Great Cover-Up


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word pillow comes from the Middle English word “pilwe” and the Old English word “pyle.”

Historians note that the word pillow appeared sometime in the 12th century and it’s been kicking around ever since.

But it took the sanitary bedding laws of the 1900s to jump start the bed linen industry and since that era, pillowcases have become linen closet staples.

Our Snoogle pillow cover is a clever adaptation of the standard rectangular case: the removable, washable Snoogle pillow cover is fabricated of a polyester/cotton blend that’s soft to the touch, feels luxurious against your skin and thanks to the handy zipper, it’s on and off in a jiffy.

Choose from our library of colors and patterns to match your decor or pick a contrasting color.

One word of warning: you may not be able to stop at just one replacement cover!




7 Reasons Our Competitors are Envious!


Peruse this list and see how many reasons you have to add our pillow to your “must-have” list, not the least of which is getting your life back once you’re no longer counting sheep all night.

Reason #1: Even young people can suffer from muscle issues that diminish one’s ability to get proper sleep.

Given the fitness movement encouraging running and body building, muscle aches and cramps can be everyday occurrences.

Sleep soundly and muscle aches diminish because this pillow won’t let you sleep in awkward or twisted positions.

Reason #2: This pioneering pillow literally has your back.

Commonplace backaches resulting from poor spine alignment can be corrected using the full body pillow that allows your muscular system to relax because your body isn’t trying to compensate for stress put on your spine.

No chiropractic bills flooding your mailbox either!

Reason #3: Have you got your head on straight?

Not if you’re in pain day and night because your job or personal life have gotten you into the habit of tensing muscles.

Signals from tension are sent throughout the body and can trigger debilitating headaches no amount of aspirin can alleviate, but our pillow comes to your rescue.

Reason #4: You’ve got a nerve — and if that nerve happens to be your abused sciatica resulting from a pinch or nerve damage, you wind up in a world of hurt just by turning over at night.

That pain, radiating from lower back to the leg via the buttocks is daunting!

You can take muscle relaxers, but why risk dependency when placing a Snoogle body pillow between your legs to keep your spine aligned does the job?

Reason #5: Power over your pelvis. The network of flat, thin bones that compose the pelvis are vulnerable to impact stress.

Whether you run a marathon or simply move the wrong way, your pelvis helps direct your moves.

Resulting sprains, fractures and strains can be painful and made worse by lying in the wrong position.

Support your pelvis properly with a Snoogle pillow and you’ll heal while getting the sleep you need.

Reason #6: The dreaded leg cramp. If you’ve flown out of bed in the middle of the night once too often, you’ll be especially interested in knowing how effective our body pillow can be.

Cramps and spasms resulting from bad sleep positions can slow or restrict blood flow and interrupt the body’s ability to flush out toxins, so if you don’t address cramps properly, you stand to lose more than just sleep.

Reason #7: Oh, baby! There’s nothing more exciting than being pregnant, but as a baby develops and grows, the vessel (that’s you) must make room and that means weight gain.

As the child packs on the pounds, so do you and pregnancy-related discomfort comes with the territory.

There’s a reason we use photos of moms curled up with a Snoogle body pillow as often as possible in our advertising.

Sleeping while pregnant is the ultimate challenge for any pillow!




Who Should Buy This Amazing Product?


  • Anyone eager for a great night’s sleep.
  • Back pain sufferers who don’t want to turn to pharmaceuticals for relief.
  • Baby shower guests seeking a gift the guest of honor can use immediately.
  • Athletes looking for natural ways to relieve nighttime pain issues.
  • Seniors whose disruptive sleep patterns could be mediated.
  • Patients whose doctors recommend sleeping on the side for a better quality of sleep.
  • Anyone in need of a physical aid to help align the spine during the night.
  • Insomniacs willing to try one more method after all others have failed!


Pros and Cons



  • Better support
  • Superior spinal alignment
  • Contours to your body
  • Great for pregnant women
  • Fabric covers are soft and fashion forward
  • Pillow cover is washable and features a durable zipper
  • Replaces multiple bed pillows


  • More expensive than retail brands
  • Consumes more bed space than regular pillows

Our favorite testimonials:

Forgive us for bragging, but we love sharing fan mail received from our more-than-satisfied customers:

“I almost forgot how it felt to sleep through the night and wake up refreshed!”

“My wife said that if given a choice between me and the pillow, she had some bad news!”

“My husband says I can no longer whine about pain in my neck unless I’m referring to him.”

“The thought of being pregnant again doesn’t give me pause because I know my pillow is on duty.”

“Love the interchangeable covers. I bought one for each season.”

“I’ve been running marathons for years and finally found a solution to my leg cramps. You guys rock!”

“I wish your rating system had more than 5 stars because I’d give this pillow a sky full of stars.”


Customer Support from Leachco


We’ve been in the business of helping people like you enjoy healthy, refreshing sleep since 1988, so we know a thing or two about treating customers like family.

Snoogle is the pride and joy of our company, our customer service ratings are excellent and we don’t hire anyone who isn’t informed about every aspect of our products.

Need to ask questions or get details about our warranty?

We love corresponding, so contact us at customerservice@leachco.com or call either our toll-free number (800-525-1050) or 580-436-1142.

Don’t miss another minute’s sleep when you can cuddle up with our #1 seller and snooze like a baby.


FDA Compliance

The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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