Top 15 Essential Oils for Sore and Strep Throat

For hundreds of years, essential oils have been used as natural remedies for many conditions, to treat illnesses and pain, and to heal wounds.

Each essential oil has its own healing, helpful properties, and can be a great alternative to over-the-counter medications.

As you know, not everyone’s body responds to treatments the same way, so we have provided you with a list of fifteen different strep and sore throat remedies using essential oils.


What is Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a contagious bacterial infection that causes the throat to become red, sore, swollen, and even discharge pus.

Strep throat can arise from a simple common cold, in which a person is infected with the bacteria Streptococcus.

People suffering from strep throat can experience headaches, fever, nausea, and even vomiting.

When diagnosing strep throat, doctors will generally prescribe a patient some form of antibiotics to fight the infection, and possibly in addition pain medication.

As helpful as those may be, there are some negative effects when using both antibiotics and painkillers.

Long-term, or constant, use of antibiotics can cause the body to develop a resistance.

The body will build up a tolerance, and when another infection invades, antibiotics will no longer be able to help fight it off.

Antibiotics also can weaken the immune system itself by making it more difficult for the body to access the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs to fight infections.

And long-term or constant use of pain medication can negatively affect the body.

Within just a few days, excessive use of pills like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can damage the liver.

And overusing pain medication can lead to drug addiction, increased visits to the hospital, and even overdose and death.


Best Essential Oils for a Sore Throat

Essential oils can be a great alternative to prescription medication.

Several have the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-itch, and antiviral properties that are perfect for treating sore or strep throat.

They are known to help speed up the healing process and leave sufferers feeling much better, and can be used in all sorts of ways to help treat symptoms.

Here is our list of fifteen essential oils for sore and strep throat.


Basil Oil

Basil oil is both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

This means that it soothes the inflammation within the throat, and when used early on can fight viruses and bacteria.

Basil oil also is an adaptogen and supports the body’s fight against the disease.

When using basil oil for sore or strep throat, you can simply mix with equal parts coconut oil to make a topical cream, or you can add some to a soup or salad to consume.


Cajeput Oil

Cajeput is both anti-infectious and antimicrobial.

It helps to fight infections within the body and is also considered an antiseptic, which is perfect for a sore throat or a cough.

This is an essential oil that promotes the expulsion of mucus and phlegm and relieves pressure in the chest and lungs.

To reap the benefits of cajeput oil, add a few drops to some boiling water, and inhale the steam for about 5 to 10 minutes.


Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon essential oil is known to be one of the best essential oils for strep throat.

It has antibacterial properties that have been found to be the best at killing Streptococcus.

It is also full of antioxidants and has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic properties, as well.

You can mix cinnamon oil with raw honey and ingest, or mix with water, juice, and smoothies.

This can also be used a topical treatment when mixed with coconut oil, or you can simply put some in a diffuser and let it spread throughout your home.


Clove Oil

Clove oil is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial.

The combination of all four of these properties packs a huge punch against sore throats, as the oil soothes inflammation, fights specific strains of bad bacteria and keeps them from spreading, and boosts the immune system.

This essential oil can be mixed with coconut oil and used topically, or you can add it to some boiling water and inhale the steam for 5 to 10 minutes.

When used at full strength, clove can become an irritant, so always use a carrier like a coconut oil.

Clove can also have strong effects on the uterus, so its use is not recommended for those who are or may be pregnant.


Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is another essential oil that is great to use when you notice the early signs of a sore or strep throat.

It has properties that help to boost the immune system and stimulate blood flow throughout the respiratory system.

Eucalyptus also speeds up the healing and recovery process within the body and provides antioxidants.

It prevents the spread of infection and works to break up mucus and reduce congestion in the chest and lungs.

Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath or steam humidifier, mix with coconut oil and apply as a topical cream, or add 1 to 2 drops to water and use as a gargle, but do not swallow.

Do not use eucalyptus oil if you are breastfeeding or pregnant, and do not use it on children under the age of two.


Frankincense Oil

Frankincense is known to be an anti-inflammatory, soothing the throat’s inflammation.

It works to break down the mucus and phlegm within the chest, as well to relieve any congestion you may have.

It has antioxidant and relaxant properties, which are useful in helping to reduce a cough and relieve pain in your throat from abrasion.

For the best results using frankincense, add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or vaporizer, and inhale to open up your passageways and relax your throat.


Hyssop Oil

Both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, hyssop oil has been widely used to treat infections.

It is antifungal as well as antiviral and can be applied as a decongestant to help break up mucus and treat the respiratory system.

Like frankincense oil, hyssop oil is best used by adding a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer and inhaling.


Juniper Berry Oil

Juniper berry oil is great to use when trying to fight a nasty cough.

It is anti-inflammatory as well as antispasmodic, which means that it eases coughing and soothes the throat, relieving a lot of the irritation and abrasion that cause pain and discomfort.

Use juniper berry oil in small amounts; when using, you can add a few drops to a diffuser, mix with equal parts coconut oil and apply topically, or even take it by mouth.

You should not use juniper oil if you are or are trying to get pregnant, or if you have existing kidney problems.


Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has many properties that make it useful in helping the body as a whole.

In the case of sore or strep throat, lavender can cut through mucus and phlegm within the chest and lungs, and also help decrease inflammation, relieving some of the pain and reducing abrasion in the throat.

Lavender oil can be added to a diffuser, put in your bath, or even sprayed onto your pillow before you go to sleep to help open your lungs’ passageways.


Lemon Oil

Used early on in an illness, lemon oil is a very beneficial essential oil.

Like many citrus fruits, lemon is known to help boost the immune system and defend against sickness.

It inhibits the growth of bad bacteria, preventing you from becoming ill.

It is also an anti-inflammatory, because it keeps the mouth and throat moist by causing an increase in your body’s saliva production.

Lemon oil can be used in a diffuser or vaporizer for aromatherapy, added to water for a gargle, or included in any sort of tea.


Oregano Oil

As an expectorant, oregano oil clears congestion, cuts through mucus in the chest, and relieves any sort of pressure within the lungs.

It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, and has been found to work well against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Oregano oil is very strong and must be diluted before use, as it can easily burn the throat.

Add 1 to 2 drops to a gel capsule along with a food-safe carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil.

You can also take oregano oil with food 2 to 3 times per day for 5 to 7 days.


Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a great natural remedy for several ailments and treats several symptoms of strep throat.

Peppermint is known to help calm the stomach when you have the flu or are nauseated, but it is also an anti-inflammatory and a relaxant.

This means that it cools the throat, relieves inflammation, and helps to break up mucus in the chest and lungs.

Peppermint oil can be mixed with a carrier, like a coconut oil, to create a topical cream.

You can also add a few drops into a diffuser for aromatherapy, or you can add it to a warm tea to soothe the throat.


Rosemary Oil

Rosemary has aromatic compounds and antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help attack the bad bacteria within your body.

It aids the immune system in fighting back against infection and illness and is great for relieving sinus congestion.

For best results when using rosemary oil, add a few drops to your diffuser or vaporizer, and allow it to spread throughout the home.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has many wonderful properties that help fight sore and strep throat.

It is antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and an antioxidant.

It helps boost the immune system, fights all the bad bacteria within the body, and relieves congestion in the bronchial passageways.

Tea tree oil is best used as a gargle, so add a few drops to warm water and gargle for a few minutes; spit it out once finished.

Try to avoid swallowing the gargle mixture.


Thyme Oil

Thyme is great to use early on and during sore or strep throat.

In the early stages, thyme neutralizes bacterial and viral infections within the body.

If you already are suffering from sore or strep throat and need a remedy, thyme is an antibacterial and antioxidant, and stimulates the healing of tissue within the throat.

It also can be used as a relaxant, relieving the urge to cough.

You can mix thyme oil with coconut oil and take it orally, or use it as a topical cream on the neck and chest.


Recipes for Sore and Strep Throat

Essential oils can be mixed and matched and blended together to combine each one’s useful properties for you to reap all their benefits.

We have provided you with a few different recipes that combine some essential oils to make perfect strep and sore throat remedies.


Eucalyptus and Thyme Gargle

  • 1 cup water;
  • 1 to 2 drops eucalyptus oil;
  • 1 to 2 drops thyme oil.

Use three times a day until a sore throat is gone.


Lemon and Honey Tea

  • 1 cup warm water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 2 drops of lemon oil.

Mix and then drink slowly.


Lavender and Lemon Topical Cream

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil;
  • 5 drops lavender;
  • 2 drops lemon.

Mix, and then apply to neck and chest.


Cinnamon and Peppermint Aromatherapy

  • Diffuser or pot of boiling water;
  • 2 drops cinnamon;
  • 2 drops peppermint.

Mix oils with water, and inhale the steam.



As beneficial as essential oils for a sore throat and strep throat are, there are always precautions we should take when using them.

It is important that essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier like a coconut oil, or mixed with water.

Never directly ingest essential oils on their own, or apply directly to the skin without some sort of carrier, as this practice can cause irritation or may even burn.

Avoid using certain essential oils prior to consulting a professional if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, or have kidney or liver problems.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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