Cirrhosis Symptoms and Natural Prevention
Cirrhosis is an irreversible and chronic liver disease caused by the build-up of scar tissue in a person’s liver. The prognosis for cirrhosis patients without treatment can be grim, with many unable to avoid death within the first year of diagnosis. Luckily there are healing options that have been proven effective in preventing or curing this deadly condition – learn more here!
Did you know that your liver (about the size of a football!) is your biggest internal organ? Your hardworking liver, weighing three to four pounds in total, is located on the right side of your belly, directly behind your rib cage. It’s in charge of vital tasks including digestion, energy storage, and toxin removal from your body.
Few of us live in pollution-free areas or consume “clean” diets. As a consequence, many individuals are exposed to toxins through the air, land, water, and food supply on a regular basis. All of these pollutants might lead your liver to become overworked, necessitating a thorough liver detox. In reality, a malfunctioning liver creates a slew of symptoms that may impact practically every bodily system. Many of these symptoms are not often associated with a failing liver.
Some minor-to-moderate liver issues may be successfully controlled or treated only by lifestyle changes. Weight loss, a healthier diet, and abstaining from alcohol may all assist. With liver cirrhosis, however, this isn’t always the case. Cirrhosis is a more significant and advanced type of liver injury. Cirrhosis of the liver, unfortunately, has no treatment. There are, however, medications that may reduce the risk of liver failure and associated consequences.
What are some ways you may help avoid the development of liver cirrhosis and other types of liver disease? When it comes to liver health, the first and most important step is to consume a balanced diet. One of the most hardworking organs in your body is your liver. This is because it takes a lot of energy to digest food on a regular basis, particularly if you’re eating a toxin-heavy, low-nutrient diet. Regular exercise and minimizing toxin exposure by limiting the quantity of alcohol, medicines, pesticides, herbicides, and hormone disruptors you ingest are also good for your liver.
Cirrhosis of the Liver: What Is It?
Cirrhosis of the liver is a dangerous illness that causes scar tissue to form in the liver. As a consequence, it disrupts vital functions such as blood flow, the removal of pollutants and waste from the body, hormone levels, and the digestion of certain critical minerals.
Alcohol misuse, a history of fatty liver disease, and viruses such as hepatitis are among the most prevalent reasons why hazardous scar tissue replaces good liver tissue, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Other variables contributing to liver malfunction and cirrhosis risk include a poor diet, heredity or a family history of liver disease, and high cholesterol levels.
Cirrhosis is a disease that causes the liver to degenerate steadily. Unfortunately, if the liver disease progresses to the point of being classified as “advanced stage cirrhosis,” liver failure and, eventually, liver cancer may occur. The illness may be deadly at this stage, and for most patients, transplantation is the only way to save their lives. However, lifestyle adjustments and certain pharmaceutical therapy may help slow or even reverse the course of cirrhosis.
Symptoms and Complications
Many people are unaware that they have liver disease or cirrhosis at first. Cirrhosis and other kinds of liver disease may cause the following signs and symptoms:
- Fatigue or a lack of energy
- Appetite loss is common
- The appearance of yellow skin and eyes is one of the indications of jaundice
- Nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, and cramping are all symptoms of digestive problems
- Confusion, disorientation, and mood or personality changes are all examples of cognitive difficulties
- Legs and ankles are swollen
- Itchy skin is one of the most common skin issues
- Urine with a dark color (brown or yellow)
- Stool with a light or dark tar hue
- Chronic Exhaustion Syndrome (CFS) is a kind of fatigue that
- Weight changes, mainly loss owing to a decrease in appetite
- A proclivity towards bruising the skin
Stages of Cirrhosis of the Liver
Liver disease is a major illness that affects millions of individuals every year in the United States. According to the American Liver Foundation, one out of every ten Americans has liver disease. It is one of the top ten causes of death in the United States each year. Fatty liver syndrome, jaundice, cirrhosis, hereditary problems, and numerous viruses such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are among the more than 100 distinct forms of liver illnesses.
Cirrhosis of the liver causes a significant reduction in life expectancy. Patients with advanced cirrhosis have a median survival period of 1-2 years. In its early stages, liver disease and even cirrhosis may not show any signs or symptoms. As a result, causes or risk factors that are exacerbating the problem may go unaddressed. Low energy, skin abnormalities, swelling/edema, and nutritional shortages may be the first signs to present early in the illness. If the liver is severely injured, it produces scarring that is symptomatic of cirrhosis over time. Although not everyone with liver disease will develop this illness, it may ultimately progress to liver failure, which can be deadly. Cirrhosis-related complications may develop as scarring worsens, including:
- Fluid accumulation in the portal vein causes edema, infection risk, swollen blood vessels, enlarged spleen, mental disorientation, and other problems.
- Bacterial peritonitis, which causes edema and ascites, is a dangerous illness.
- Enlarged blood veins in the esophagus, stomach, or both, which may rupture and cause life-threatening hemorrhage.
- Blood alterations caused by spleen disorders include changes in blood cells and platelets.
- Hepatic encephalopathy is a condition in which toxins build up in the brain, causing cognitive abnormalities.
- Changes in mineral levels and osteopenia, or bone loss, are symptoms of metabolic bone disorders.
- Gallstones and bile duct stones are two types of stones.
- Medication sensitivity.
- Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are examples of chronic diseases.
- Infection risk is increased due to a weakened immune system.
- Kidney and lung failure are more likely to occur.
- Cirrhosis patients are at an increased risk of developing liver cancer.
Causes and Risk Factors
The majority of individuals link liver illness to drunkenness. However, everything your body is unable to break down and utilize for energy is sent to the liver for detoxification. As a result, your liver needs all the assistance it can get. Your liver is significantly taxed when you consume too much alcohol, chemicals, drugs, fried meals, processed or refined foods (for example, white flour, conventional dairy, white sugar, and low-quality animal products), and it may not be able to keep up. Scarring and the loss of healthy liver cells are the end results (in other words, cirrhosis).
Cirrhosis may be caused by a number of reasons, including:
- Fatty liver disease has been seen in the past
- Overindulging in alcoholic beverages
- Smoking and drug usage
- A bad diet (low in things like veggies, herbs, and fruit, but high in processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat)
- Diabetes or metabolic syndrome history
- Obesity
- High triglyceride and cholesterol levels
- Viruses and infections that are chronic
- Excessive exposure to poisons and contaminants in the environment
- Taking some prescription drugs
- Factors that are genetic
- Other disorders that damage, kill, or clog the bile ducts, interfering with the digestive organs’ activities
You have a lot of control over two cirrhosis risk factors: eating a highly processed diet and drinking too much alcohol. Vegetables (and vegetable juices) are beneficial to the liver because they include essential electrolytes, phytonutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants. Low potassium levels are connected to liver damage, therefore vegetables and some fruits (particularly citrus like lemons and limes) may assist to lower acid levels in the body, resulting in a more favorable pH balance and preventing liver damage. These whole plant meals also contain much-needed dietary fiber, which aids in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system and gut environment. Because a regular bowel movement is how you remove toxins from your body after the liver creates them, regulating digestive function is critical for liver health.
Cirrhosis Treatment in the Past
Cirrhosis treatment will vary depending on what caused it in the first place and how bad it has grown. MedicatioDoctors often use medications and lifestyle modifications of a therapy plan. While there is no “cure” for cirrhosis, there are a number of treatment strategies that may help manage the symptoms:
- Eliminating the use of alcohol and drugs.
- Controlling edema (fluid retention) and ascites with diuretics (fluid in the abdomen).
- Consuming a less processed diet, boosting vitamin consumption, and lowering salt intake are all recommended.
- Weight-loss and cholesterol-control regimens are both effective.
- To improve mood or mental disorder, cognitive therapy and, in some instances, medicines are used.
- Toxin Laxatives aid toxin removal, such as steroids or antiviral medicines are used to treat hepatitis.
- Liver transplantation may be required in extreme instances of liver failure.
8 Natural Ways to Cope
1. Attempt to “Cleanse The Liver” on a regular basis
The liver was considered the most important organ by many ancient societies, especially the Chinese, thus the term “life” in its name. If you haven’t been eating a plant-based diet, exercising consistently, and limiting your alcohol and toxin intake, you, like the majority of people, maybe in need of a liver cleanse.
Here’s a list of foods that may help your liver filter toxins from the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe:
- Vegetables that are dark green and leafy
- veggies, both steamed and raw, or vegetable juices
- fruits with a citrus flavor
- bananas, sweet potatoes, and avocados (great sources of potassium)
- the seed of the milk thistle (tea or extract)
- a pinch of turmeric (spice or tablet)
- ginger
- Spirulina, chlorella, and wheatgrass are examples of “superfoods”
- probiotic supplements and foods
- tea made from dandelion root
- root of burdock
- seed oil made from black seeds
- lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- Dandelion tea or a detoxifying tea
- coconut oil with extra virgin olive oil
- apple cider vinegar (raw)
- Liver and other organ meats from beef
Here are some items to avoid that might put your liver under stress:
- overeating
- meals that are too hot
- foods that have been fried
- processed carbs, including gluten-free carbohydrates
- sugar
- caffeine overdose (black tea, coffee, soda)
- alcohol
- meals that are rich and complex (combining too many different food types at once)
2. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet that emphasizes organic foods
Poor dietary choices, such prolonged alcohol misuse, may lead to fatty liver disease (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). A diet heavy in low-quality saturated fats, fried meals, chemicals, and processed foods, on the other hand, may increase the risk of liver disease. As a consequence, blood triglycerides and cholesterol levels are two major risk factors for liver injury and cirrhosis.
The key to keeping a healthy liver is to eat enough (preferably organic) veggies and other nutritious foods on a regular basis. For the best liver benefits, consume a variety of raw veggies every day, preferably about 4-5 servings of fresh, organic vegetables. If all of this seems too much, try juicing fresh veggies (just keep an eye on the sugar level!). If you have any form of liver problems, juicing vegetables to prepare a DIY detox drink is an excellent alternative since it makes the veggies simpler to digest and reduces the amount of bile produced.
Limit your saturated fat intake to only high-quality, grass-fed, cage-free, or pasture-raised animal products to ease the burden on your liver, since conventionally reared (farm-raised) animals tend to retain the most toxins in their fat. In addition, make sure your fat sources are of excellent quality, such as coconut oil, nuts, seeds, and wild seafood. In general, the less packaged or boxed meals you consume, the better. This is because “convenience foods” are high in chemical preservatives, fillers, synthetic flavors, and other artificial ingredients. Added nitrates, for example, are often present in packaged meats and have been linked to liver damage, as have sugar and hydrogenated oils (trans-fats) found in commercial baked products.
Include these liver-supporting vegetables in your meals as frequently as possible:
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- Kale, spinach, dandelion, and watercress are examples of leafy greens.
- Cabbage or Brussels sprouts
- celery
- asparagus
- beets
- carrot
- cucumber
- parsley, mint, cilantro, and basil are some of the herbs used.
As much as possible, try to buy organic foods. A diet heavy in chemicals, pesticides, and other poisons takes a toll on your liver. As a result, buying as many organic foods as possible is critical for avoiding liver issues and, perhaps, liver disease. You may significantly reduce your toxin consumption simply by purchasing organic versions of the toxin-heavy “dirty dozen” fruits and vegetables. This is a useful list of the sorts of produce that are the most and least polluted with toxins.
3. Limit your alcohol intake, quit smoking, and stay away from other drugs
High alcohol consumption is most closely linked to fatty liver disease, which is characterized by the accumulation of fat in liver cells, resulting in enlargement and cirrhosis. While modest quantities of alcohol might be beneficial if you’re generally healthy, excessive alcohol use over time damages multiple organs, the liver being the most vulnerable. High-alcohol consumption is one of the quickest ways to damage or kill liver cells, and it’s much more dangerous when mixed with prescription or over-the-counter drugs, cigarettes, or a bad diet.
Limit your alcohol consumption to the “healthy” limit for most individuals, which is no more than 1-2 drinks per day (or 30 grams, which is considered “safe”). Having even less than this is a good idea if you have any known liver issues or can afford to cleanse your system for other reasons.
4. Supplements to Help the Liver
Turmeric, milk thistle, probiotics, and ginger root are among the supplements, herbs, and spices that may aid in the production of adequate bile and enzymes, as well as calm the digestive system, decrease intestinal gas, and reduce inflammation:
- The detoxifying plant Milk Thistle is regarded as the “king.” It’s been used for generations to assist cleanse the liver and remove heavy metals, prescription medications, toxins, and alcohol accumulation.
- Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory that not only promotes digestion and liver metabolism by restoring a healthy blood sugar balance.
- According to a study, since gut probiotics may benefit liver health, microbiota plays a key role in detoxification and metabolic processes. Changes in intestinal permeability (also known as leaky gut syndrome) may alter the way the liver operates and exacerbate hepatic diseases. Therefore, patients with liver illness will likely be prescribed health-promoting microbial strains and probiotic foods in the future to help reduce negative interactions and restore the body’s immunological responses.
- Potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B-6 are all found in abundance in many of the foods and supplements mentioned above. Potassium-rich meals are particularly advantageous since they aid in the reduction of systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
5. Keep a Healthy Weight
Obesity-related liver disease is currently the most common kind of liver disease in Western nations. Obesity may induce nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and, in certain situations, is linked to a significantly increased risk of developing additional liver issues. Being overweight and having high blood pressure, high blood sugar, too much fat around the waist, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and high triglycerides are all symptoms of metabolic syndrome. These variables all increase the likelihood of liver damage, as well as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Obese persons have a 3-15 times higher chance of getting liver disease than those who are healthy weight, according to new study published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. This is because being overweight affects the amount of fatty acids and enzymes produced by your liver. When the rate of fatty acid absorption and synthesis exceeds the rate of fatty acid oxidation and export, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) develops. In addition, the liver produces an excessive quantity of triglycerides as a consequence of this process, which is known as “steatosis.”
Steatosis is linked to negative alterations in glucose, fatty acid, and lipoprotein metabolism, all of which may lead to an increase in fat storage (adipose tissue), systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and other cardiometabolic risk factors. To reduce your chances of having high triglycerides, limit your intake of sugar and packaged foods and concentrate on a nutrient-dense, whole-foods-based diet.
6. Eliminate Toxin Exposure Through Other Means
We are all exposed to numerous types of pollutants on a regular basis via the air we breathe, the meals we consume, and the things we use. Avoid inhaling or handling toxins as much as possible, particularly by reducing the quantity of chemical household, cleaning, and beauty products you use. For example, aerosol sprays, pesticides, synthetic cosmetic products, and tobacco additives are all known to harm liver cells.
7. Review Your Prescriptions
The liver is in charge of separating substances in your circulation. Prescription pharmaceuticals, birth control pills, hormone replacement treatments, and other drugs contain these chemicals. Many specialists say that many popular drugs, such as antibiotics and pain relievers, are over-prescribed nowadays, or are taken wrongly and coupled with the wrong substances. If you use drugs on a daily basis, get familiar with how they may impact your liver. Follow the dose recommendations to the letter. Consult your doctor to see if there are any natural alternatives you might use instead.
8. Avoid Infections and Viruses That Can Harm Your Liver
Viruses that cause liver illnesses such as hepatitis A, B, and C are spread from person to person. These may cause the liver to enlarge, develop cirrhosis, stop functioning correctly, and eventually fail. They may potentially cause liver cancer, which is lethal. The best approach to avoid hepatitis A and B, according to most health officials, is to acquire the right immunizations. Hepatitis C is currently without a vaccine.
In reality, the only way to avoid contracting hepatitis C is to avoid coming into contact with virus-bearing blood. Safe sex, avoiding sharing needles, razors, toothbrushes, or personal things, and constantly washing your hands with soap and warm water after using the restroom or touching someone’s blood are some of these approaches.
Treatment Precautions
If you see any early indicators of liver impairment, consult your doctor. It’s critical to remember that preventing liver disease before it worsens is critical. Fatty liver disease, on the other hand, typically has no symptoms, and you may be unaware that you have it. Certain indicators may emerge over time – it might take years or even decades in some cases. This is the ideal opportunity to address the underlying issues. Unexpected exhaustion, weight loss, lack of appetite, weakness, nausea, confusion or difficulty focusing, and discomfort in the center or right upper section of the abdomen are all early signs of liver disease.
Final Thoughts
- Cirrhosis is a severe, late-stage liver disease marked by scarring of the liver tissue.
- Cirrhosis is caused by the same factors that cause other liver illnesses and disorders like hepatitis or other viruses: poor nutrition, obesity, alcohol misuse, and a history of metabolic syndrome.
- Cirrhosis causes edema, fatigue, skin changes (jaundice), digestive problems, and cognitive impairments.
- Virus prevention, changing your nutrition, avoiding too much alcohol, keeping a healthy weight, and minimizing toxin exposure are all examples of natural remedies and prevention.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to avoid cirrhosis?
A: There are many ways to avoid cirrhosis. Some of the methods include decreasing alcohol consumption, reducing sugar intake, restricting salt in your diet and increasing physical activity in order to reduce stress on the body.
How can I heal my liver naturally?
A: There are many ways to heal your liver. One of the most obvious solutions is by eating a diet high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables that contain lots of different nutrients. You can also drink plenty of water each day which will flush out toxins from your body.
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