Cinnamon Oil Proven Health Benefits

Cinnamon oil is a potent spice used in many forms of medicine, with an extensive list of uses. Cinnamon oil has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can be boosted by using it as aromatherapy or even just dabbing some on your wrists.


Cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum Verum) comes from the Laurus Cinnamomum plant, which belongs to the Lauraceae botanical family. Cinnamon plants are native to regions of South Asia, but they are now farmed throughout Asia and distributed across the globe in the form of cinnamon essential oil or cinnamon spice. Today, over 100 kinds of cinnamon are said to be produced across the globe, although Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon are by far the most common.

In any essential oils reference, you’ll find popular names for essential oils like cinnamon oil, orange oil, lemon essential oil, and lavender oil. Essential oils, on the other hand, are more potent than powdered or entire plants. Cinnamon oil is a rich source of antioxidants that are good for the body.

Cinnamon has a long and fascinating history; in fact, many people believe it to be one of the oldest spices in human history. Ancient Egyptians highly esteemed cinnamon, and Chinese and Ayurvedic medical practitioners in Asia have employed it for hundreds of years to treat anything from depression to obesity. Cinnamon has brought relief to humans for generations, whether in the form of extract, liquor, tea, or plant.

Health Benefits

The cinnamon plant has long been associated with protection and wealth. It’s supposed to have been part of a blend of oils used by tomb robbers to defend themselves during the plague in the 15th century, and it’s also connected with the power to attract prosperity. In fact, if you were fortunate enough to obtain cinnamon in ancient Egypt, you were considered a rich man; records indicate that the value of cinnamon was perhaps comparable to gold!

Cinnamon is used to make a variety of medicinally useful goods in a variety of ways. For example, you’re certainly aware of the popular cinnamon spice, which can be found in almost any grocery shop in the United States. Cinnamon oil differs from cinnamon powder in that it is a far more concentrated version of the plant that includes chemicals not present in the dried spice.

Cinnamon has a broad number of health advantages, according to a study. For example, Cinnamon has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer effects. It may also aid in the prevention of heart disease, excessive cholesterol, and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and linalool are the main active ingredients in the cinnamon essential oil extracted from the bark. These three ingredients account for about 82.5 percent of the oil’s makeup. The major element in cinnamon essential oil is cinnamaldehyde (bark), eugenol (leaf), or camphor, depending on which section of the plant it originates from (root).

Cinnamon bark oil and cinnamon leaf oil are the two most common varieties of cinnamon oils on the market. They’re distinct goods with relatively different applications, despite some similarities. Cinnamon bark oil is derived from the cinnamon tree’s outer bark. It’s regarded quite powerful and has a strong, “perfume-like” odor, similar to a big sniff of crushed cinnamon. The price of cinnamon bark oil is generally higher than the price of cinnamon leaf oil.

Cinnamon leaf oil has a lighter tint and has a “musky and spicy” aroma. While cinnamon leaf oil is yellow and muddy, cinnamon bark oil has a richer red-brown hue that most people identify with cinnamon flavor. Although both are healthy, cinnamon bark oil may be more effective.

Cinnamon bark oil’s capacity to widen blood vessels is responsible for many of its advantages. In addition, cinnamon bark may help boost nitric oxide production, resulting in enhanced blood flow and less inflammation.

Cinnamon oil has been shown to provide a variety of health advantages, including:

  • Inflammation is reduced
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Lowers harmful cholesterol
  • Defends against infections
  • Antioxidant powerhouse
  • Immune system stimulation
  • Enhances libido
  • Defends against parasites

10 Uses for Cinnamon Oil

What is the purpose of cinnamon essential oil? Here are some of the most common uses for cinnamon oil today:

1. Booster for your heart’s health

Cinnamon oil has been shown to improve heart health organically. When combined with aerobic exercise, Cinnamon bark extract may assist enhance cardiac function, according to a 2014 animal research. The research also demonstrates that cinnamon extract plus exercise may help decrease total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol while increasing HDL “good” cholesterol.

Cinnamon has also been demonstrated to aid in creating nitric oxide, which is advantageous to patients who have heart disease or have had a heart attack or stroke. It also includes anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet chemicals, which may help the heart’s vascular health.

2. Aphrodisiac (natural)

Cinnamon is occasionally used for sexual dysfunction in Ayurvedic medicine. Is it possible that the advice is correct? Cinnamon oil may be a natural cure for impotence, according to animal studies published in 2013. Cinnamomum cassia extract was proven to enhance sexual function in animal research participants with age-related sexual dysfunction by significantly improving both sexual drive and erectile function.

3. Helps to lower blood sugar levels

Cinnamon has been found to have a favorable influence on insulin release in both human and animal models. It may help maintain blood sugar constant and reduce chronic tiredness, moodiness, sugar cravings, and overeating.

In a trial of 60 persons with type 2 diabetes, three different quantities of cinnamon supplementation (one, three, or six grams) administered for 40 days all resulted in decreased blood glucose, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol.

To gain the blood sugar advantages of cinnamon, use high-quality, pure cinnamon oil in your diet. Of course, you don’t want to get too low on your blood sugar, so don’t overdo it. Cinnamon essential oil might also help you avoid unhealthy food cravings by inhaling it.

4. It’s good for your skin, hair, and lips

Cinnamon bark essential oil may drastically reduce the production of many protein biomarkers implicated in skin inflammation and tissue remodeling, according to a 2017 research. Cinnamon oil’s anti-inflammatory characteristics make it an excellent natural treatment for inflammatory skin conditions, including rashes and acne. Cinnamon essential oil may be mixed with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and applied to the skin to benefit from its antibacterial properties.

Cinnamon oil may also be beneficial to hair, with several beauty publications advising it to improve hair health and development. For a fast DIY scalp treatment, mix a few drops of cinnamon oil with a carrier oil like almond oil.

Warming cinnamon oil for lips is a natural approach to plump them up by increasing circulation. For a terrific DIY lip plumper, combine two drops of cinnamon oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil.

5. May Assist in Weight Loss

Cinnamon is acquiring a reputation as a fat-burning meal and useful weight-loss strategy. It may help you manage your sweet craving by balancing blood sugar levels and sweetening the flavor of meals without adding sugar.

Cinnamaldehyde, a chemical component found in cinnamon oil, may help fat cells burn energy, according to a research published in the journal Metabolism. The research demonstrates how cinnamaldehyde promotes thermogenic and metabolic responses in both animal and human fat cells, which may help with weight reduction and obesity prevention.

Overeating, poor energy, and weight gain are all symptoms of uncontrolled blood sugar, but adding cinnamon oil to fruit, tea, cereals, baked goods, or smoothies may help reduce the rate at which glucose is released into the bloodstream.

6. It’s possible that it’ll help with ulcers

Ulcers are caused by a bug called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori. When H. pylori is eliminated or decreased, ulcer symptoms are considerably improved. Therefore, the effects of ingesting 40 milligrams of cinnamon extract twice daily for four weeks on 15 human patients with H. pylori infection were studied in a controlled experiment. While cinnamon did not totally eliminate H. pylori, it did diminish H. pylori colonization to some degree, and patients tolerated it well.

According to studies, eugenol, a therapeutic component found in cinnamon essential oil, may be one of the major reasons cinnamon may aid with ulcers. Eugenol “dose-dependently and dramatically decreased” ethanol-induced stomach ulcers, according to a research published in 2000. The number of ulcers, as well as the severity of the ulcers, were reduced with eugenol.

7. Destroys parasites

Studies have shown Cinnamon oil to reduce the development of several hazardous parasites, making it an effective parasite therapy. For example, the effects of cinnamon and ginger on giardiasis, an intestinal illness caused by the giardia (G. lamblia) parasite, were studied in a 2014 research published in the Iranian Journal of Parasitology. According to the research, both ginger and cinnamon extracts are efficient as “promising natural therapeutic agents against G. lamblia,” according to the research.

Cinnamon has an inhibitory impact on Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria in people, according to in vitro study. Cinnamon has been discovered to aid in the battle against parasites by disrupting their amino acid production, which is necessary for their existence.

8. Aids in the relief of sore throats

Cinnamon essential oil is a wonderful option for combating infections like a sore throat because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties. To relieve a sore throat and enhance immunity, drink a mixture of hot lemon water, honey, and cinnamon oil first thing in the morning.

These components will act synergistically to decrease inflammation, discomfort, and immunological function, making them an ideal sore throat cure.

9. It deodorizes the environment

You know how everyone likes to fill their homes with the comforting scents of the holidays throughout the autumn and winter months? Combine soothing fragrances like cinnamon, citrus, lemon, and cloves in a diffuser or DIY room spray to produce your own natural house deodorizer and refresher.

At the same time, you’ll feel grounded and relaxed, plus you’ll be helping to purify the air.

10. Fights Infections Caused by Fungi

Is cinnamon oil effective against toenail fungus? According to a study, cinnamon oil and olive oil have an antifungal and antibacterial effect against fungal strains like Candida albicans, which is commonly the source of toenail fungus and other fungal diseases published in 2016.

Combine a few drops of cinnamon essential oil with olive oil or coconut oil and apply to the affected areas for a natural toenail fungus treatment.


Here are some ideas for using cinnamon oil at home:

  • Cinnamon oil may be dispersed aromatically around your house using a diffuser. You may also immediately inhale the oil by inhaling it straight from the container or applying it to your skin and clothing and smelling it like a perfume.
  • Topically, you should always dilute cinnamon oil in a 1:1 ratio with a carrier oil like coconut oil before applying it to your skin. Coconut oil has a lengthy list of skin and immune advantages, so these two are an excellent match.
  • Can the cinnamon essential oil be used internally? Although the FDA considers cinnamon oil to be safe for eating, it is only suggested that you choose a very high-quality oil from a respected company. You’ll know precisely what you’re receiving this way (and avoiding). Look for therapeutic-grade and organic oils, which have been thoroughly tested and satisfy all standards and are devoid of chemical contaminants, fillers, and solvents. You may use cinnamon oil as a nutritional supplement by combining it with honey or a fruit smoothie, or you can add a drop to the water.

Cinnamon oil may also be used in the kitchen. Simply use a tiny quantity (a few drops) of cinnamon oil in dishes, but avoid heating it to high temperatures or cooking it for lengthy periods of time since this depletes the antioxidants and active components. Cinnamon oil tastes like a stronger form of cinnamon spice, so you can use it in any recipe that calls for ground cinnamon.

What is a good compliment to cinnamon essential oil? Bergamot, cardamom, clove, ginger, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, rose, and vanilla are some essential oils that go well with cinnamon.

If you’re looking for cinnamon oil, you’ve come to the right place. Cinnamon essential oil is easy to get by at your local health food shop or online. Just make sure it’s a therapeutic-grade essential oil that’s 100 percent pure, organic, and pure.

Face Wash with Honey and Cinnamon Oil

Infections, germs, inflammation, edema, and redness are all combated by honey and cinnamon. This simple, natural face wash is devoid of colors, fragrances, and chemicals.

Time: 2 minutes

30 people


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (pure)
  • 3 tablespoons honey (raw)
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar (apple cider)
  • 20 drops essential oil of cinnamon
  • 2 live probiotic capsules


Blend all of the ingredients together using a hand blender. Fill a handy bottle with the mixture and keep it in a cool location.

Recipe for Crispy Cinnamon Baked Apple Chips

Time: 1 hour

7–8 people


  • a few big organic apples (about 7–8 lbs.)
  • 1 tablespoon natural sweetener of your choosing, such as raw honey or maple syrup
  • 6 drops cinnamon essential oil (pure)


  1. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Using parchment paper coated with coconut oil, line 1–2 baking sheets.
  2. Using a mandolin or knife, thinly slice your apples to the same thickness. Add the apples to the baking pan after tossing them with sugar and oil.
  3. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and bake for one hour, turning halfway through.

Precautions and Interactions

Are there any risks associated with cinnamon oil? Although cinnamon oil is usually regarded harmless, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to essential oils. When cinnamon oil is ingested or used topically, it is possible for sensitive persons to have allergic responses. Skin irritation, such as itching and rashes that spread throughout the body, might be a sign of this.

When utilizing a new essential oil, it’s recommended to do a skin test on a tiny patch of skin to ensure that allergies aren’t an issue. Also, if you consume cinnamon oil and develop nausea, stomach discomfort, or diarrhea, cease using it immediately.

When using cinnamon oil, a small percentage of individuals, particularly those with oral ulcers, have experienced burning and discomfort. Cinnamon may also react with drugs and induce dyspnea in those who have a very sensitive heartbeat and cardiovascular system (difficulty breathing).

Before using cinnamon essential oil, check with your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, on medication, or being treated for a medical condition.

Last Thoughts

  • Cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and linalool are the main active ingredients in cinnamon essential oil.
  • Cinnamon oil offers a spicy, energizing smell that is ideal for diffuser use.
  • Cinnamon oil gives sweetness to meals without adding sugar, which is helpful for reducing sugar cravings.
  • Cinnamon oil, when used topically, may aid with diseases like toenail fungus and common skin disorders like acne.
  • The following are some of the applications and advantages of cinnamon essential oil:
    • improves cardiovascular health
    • lowers inflammation
    • aids with weight reduction
    • lowers blood sugar levels
    • combats diseases such as sore throats
    • reduces the harmful cholesterol
    • high level of antioxidants
    • Immune system stimulation
    • parasitic parasites
    • may improve libido

Frequently Asked Questions

What does cinnamon oil do for your body?

A: Cinnamon oil is what is known as a carminative and antispasmodic. This means it helps with gas, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also help soothe an upset stomach or intestinal pain by reducing inflammation in the area of your abdomen where you might have been hit with abdominal pains such as IBS

How much cinnamon oil can you take a day?

A: It is not recommended to take more than four teaspoons of cinnamon oil in a day, as this would lead to possible health complications.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.


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