How to Stop Snoring

This guide will help you figure out how to stop snoring. It contains tips and tricks on finding the right position for your head, what foods might be causing it, and the most effective methods of stopping snoring.

The “anti-snore pillow” is a device that can be placed under the pillow to stop snoring. The anti-snore pillow has been found to work for many people, but it is not a cure-all solution.


Have you ever been annoyed with your boyfriend for snoring so loudly that it kept you up all night? Have you ever been startled awake by your own snoring and wondered how to stop snoring?

Regardless of how you feel about yourself, everyone snores now and again. It’s a normal event that occurs while your throat relaxes during sleep. However, if the snoring is excessive, it may alter sleep patterns and cause insomnia and irritation in the snorer and the person who is kept awake due to it.

It’s worth noting, though, that snoring might be a sign of sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening illness that requires medical treatment. A breathing blockage causes sleep apnea, which causes the sleeper to awaken when they resume breathing. Normal snoring does not have the same impact on sleep quality as sleep apnea. If you experience significant lethargy, drowsiness, or exhaustion throughout the day, your issue may be more serious than snoring, and you should see a physician.

As previously said, snoring may induce sleeplessness, which is a major issue for many Americans, with 48 percent experiencing occasional insomnia and 22 percent reporting chronic insomnia. So, how can you get rid of this nasally, sleep-inducing noise? If you want to learn how to stop snoring, you must first figure out how and why you snore. Once you’ve done that, believe it or not, there are strategies to help stop snoring so that everyone can get some much-needed rest instead of being exhausted all of the time.

Natural Ways to Stop Snoring

What exactly is snoring? Snoring is caused by a lack of freely circulating air via the nose and throat during sleep. The surrounding tissues vibrate, as a result, resulting in the irritating snoring sound.

People who snore often have more “floppy” tissue in their throats and nasal passages, also known as the uvula, which vibrates more than others. Not only that, but the location of your tongue might also make breathing difficult. When the throat muscles are relaxed, snoring may also occur. In addition, the tongue slips backward toward the neck during sleep, and the walls of the throat may vibrate, resulting in those snoring noises you’d rather not hear.

While we all need a good night’s sleep, including the non-snoring partner, being unable to sleep due to snoring can cause serious health issues such as weight gain, depression, brain damage, hormonal issues, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, increased blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes, and accelerated aging, to name a few.

Here’s how to naturally stop snoring.

1. Sleeping on one’s side

If your snoring issue is small, this may be all you need. The most difficult task may be to keep you on your side. Using a body cushion to keep the position might be beneficial.

Finally, this posture may prevent the throat’s relaxed and untoned muscles from obstructing breathing pathways. Taping a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to prevent rolling onto your back is an ancient treatment that may be effective. If your bed has a reclining function, you may place it in an angled head-up posture to help expand the nasal airways.

2. Goldenseal and Peppermint Oil

If you snore due to nasal or chest congestion, pure peppermint oil might help you breathe easier. In addition, it’s been proved to be an excellent essential oil for sore throat relief and nasal congestion, which might be a method to reduce snoring for congestion concerns.

Goldenseal, which comes in powder, liquid, or pill form, is another supplement that may help reduce congestion in the chest and nasal passages. You might also drink a cup of peppermint or goldenseal herbal tea. Just avoid caffeine-containing teas since they may significantly disrupt your sleep.

3. Fenugreek and spearmint

Snoring may be caused by digestion, which greatly impacts our sleep habits. Fenugreek and spearmint are great herbs that may help with snoring caused by digestive difficulties, particularly indigestion (a digestive system acid problem). These herbs may assist your body get rid of this acid and reduce your risks of snoring at night.

Fenugreek has been demonstrated to help with sleep apnea and digestive disorders that cause snoring, while spearmint may help with indigestion and acid reflux, both of which can cause snoring.

4. Vitamin C

The sinuses may clog the airways, causing the mouth to expand and the uvula, a fleshy outgrowth of the soft palate that hangs over the neck, to vibrate, resulting in the annoyance of nighttime snoring. Vitamin C, which is known to support a healthy immune system, may be able to help avoid this. In addition, the sinuses may be cleared by having a robust immune system.

Some of the greatest C vitamin foods are papaya, pineapple (which also includes sinus-fighting bromelain), broccoli, and red bell pepper, to name a few.

5. Peppermint and Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus has been used to treat chest colds for a long time. There are a few methods to use eucalyptus oil to get a good night’s sleep without snoring. Clearing your sinuses may be as simple as putting eucalyptus leaves in a steam inhaler and inhaling it through your mouth or nose.

You might also try inhaling the steam from a steam bowl by placing your head over a bowl of pure hot water and covering it with a cloth. Add five drops of eucalyptus and five drops of peppermint essential oils to the bowl. Remember that steam is hot and may burn you, so use caution. Do this just before bed to clear your airways and minimize inflammation in your nasal passages, both of which may lead to snoring.

If you don’t like steam, a neti pot filled with the proper salts and clean water will help, but don’t use essential oils in the neti pot since they might burn the membranes in your nasal passages!

6. Oral Appliance

You may wish to chat with your dentist about receiving a dental appliance to assist in modifying the aperture of your airway so that your tongue has enough space to move around while you sleep, preventing a blockage. According to the American Dental Association, devices worn exclusively during sleeping may be an effective treatment option that can help eradicate snoring completely. A mouthpiece is similar to a sports mouthguard or an orthodontic retainer in that it fits over the teeth. It keeps the mouth forward to keep the upper airway open.

7. Return to a healthy bodyweight

If you’re overweight, your throat may shrink when you lie down, particularly if you’re carrying additional weight around your neck. Snoring becomes more common as a result of this. “The neck circumference of snorers was considerably greater than the neck circumference of non-snorers in all BMI categories,” according to a research published in Lung India. This reveals that having a larger neck circumference, which is more common in overweight people, significantly impacts snoring.

Reduced weight may lead to improved sleep quality and other health advantages, and it’s one of the most effective ways to stop snoring.

8. Think about getting a humidifier

Dry air dries out the throat and nasal membranes, causing congestion, which might add to your snoring issue. In addition, congestion may make breathing difficult and cause the tissues to vibrate. A humidifier may aid by removing dry air from the environment and providing greater comfort for the body, allowing for more natural breathing. Essential oils may also be added to the humidifier.

9. Limit or avoid using alcohol

Most individuals are relaxed when they drink alcohol, and since snoring occurs when the throat and tongue are relaxed, alcohol may exacerbate the condition by causing a very relaxed state. This may aggravate your snoring. To obtain a better night’s sleep, limit your alcohol usage or avoid it entirely.

10. Do Regular Tongue and Throat Exercises

Over-relaxation of the throat region may be avoided with a stronger throat and tongue. Gently press your upper and lower molars together. Open your mouth, concentrating on extending your molars as wide as possible but not too far. After 10–15 repetitions, you should see the back of your mouth opening up.

11. Don’t eat dairy products or eat large meals late at night

Because milk and other dairy products produce a film of mucous in your mouth and throat, they may exacerbate snoring. This mucus contributes to the obstruction of the airways.

Also, avoid having a large meal just before going to bed. When your stomach is full, it might press on your diaphragm, disrupting your regular breathing pattern.

What Kind of Snorer Are You?

It’s important to figure out what kind of snorer you are before you can figure out how to quit snoring. Taking the effort to figure out why you snore will help you discover the best remedy and obtain a good night’s sleep regularly.

To solve this challenge, enlist your partner’s assistance in keeping a sleep journal to track your snoring. You can frequently figure out why you snore and what makes it worse by monitoring trends in your snoring. Let’s see if you can determine when you snore based on how you sleep with the aid of your spouse.

1. Snorer with his mouth shut

When you snore, your mouth remains shut, which might signal an issue with your tongue or nasal airways.

2. Snorer with Mouth Wide Open

If you snore with your mouth open, this might indicate that the tissues in your throat are more likely to be the source of your snoring. If your throat is partly clogged, you’ll attempt to push more air in, which will cause you to snore.

3. Snorer on the back

When you sleep on your back, you’re more likely to breathe via your mouth. This may aggravate snoring.

4. No matter what, a Snorer

It might be an indication of a more severe condition, such as sleep apnea if you snore in any posture. If your snoring is loud enough to keep your spouse awake, you wake yourself up, nothing you’ve done seems to help, or you snore in any sleeping position, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your doctor. In this scenario, a more specific strategy or more specialized information from a health care expert may be required to figure out how to stop snoring.

What are the causes of snoring?

1. Physical Condition

If you’re overweight or out of shape, you’re more likely to snore. Why? An increase in fat around the neck may be caused by overeating and/or a lack of exercise. This additional weight may restrict the airway and interfere with regular breathing by obstructing the oropharynx when sleeping.

Snoring might be louder in this situation. In addition, males are more likely than women to develop this condition because men tend to gain weight in their necks more than women.

When you lie down on your back, the fatty tissue compresses the airway, obstructing it. Perhaps this is why turning over can occasionally be beneficial. The good news is that stopping your snoring may be as simple as exercising, lowering weight, and treating obesity, all of which will improve your overall health.

Children might be affected by snoring and being overweight. For example, snoring and sleep apnea were shown to be considerably greater among obese children in a research published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.

2. Menopause

I understand that another condition caused by menopausal symptoms is the last thing any woman wants to hear. Yet, it’s normal for women’s muscular tone to deteriorate as they age, causing them to gain weight. By the time they reach the age of 70, women are just as likely as males of the same age to snore. This is one another reason why living a healthy and active lifestyle is the way to go.

3. Aging in general

Your neck narrows and your muscular tone in your throat declines when you approach middle age, which is generally 45–64 years old. Of all, becoming older is a part of life, but there are things you can do to improve your snoring habits or perhaps get rid of it entirely, such as good lifestyle changes, sleep rituals, and, believe it or not, throat exercises.

4. It is true that males snore more than women

Why do males snore at a higher rate than women? It’s because men’s airways are smaller than women’s. It’s not totally the fault of the boys. Physical characteristics that contribute to snoring are commonly inherited, such as a small throat, a cleft palate, swollen adenoids, and other physical characteristics.

5. Sinus and Nasal Issues

Snoring is caused by obstructed airways or a stuffy nose, making breathing difficult and creating a vacuum in the throat. Snoring and nose and sinus difficulties may be reduced by maintaining a clean, dust-free environment and a healthy body.

6. Medications, alcohol, and smoking

Drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking some drugs like tranquilizers and diazepam may cause muscular relaxation, which leads to greater snoring. And, of course, smoking wreaks havoc on our lungs’ ability to breathe. I’m sure you’re aware that it’s better to quit smoking as soon as possible. This also applies to electronic cigarettes.

7. Your Sleeping Position

According to research, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is linked to sleep posture. In a research published in Scientific Reports, subjects were given positioning treatment using a head positioning cushion to test whether snoring noises were decreased. The usage of this cushion resulted in considerable improvement in the majority of patients, whether overweight or normal weight. As previously said, laying on one’s back might produce greater throat blockage; therefore, a customized pillow may be the best way to stop snoring for certain people.

An average of 56 percent of individuals with obstructive sleep apnea who snore were reliant on supine and non-supine postures in another research from Amsterdam.

8. Asthma

We all know that sleep apnea is commonly associated with snoring, but it’s also been noted that sleep apnea is common among asthmatics. In reality, these issues have become more prevalent in recent years. Intermittent hypoxia, nerve reflex, inflammation, and leptin are all possible common traits. Medication, nasal illnesses, smoking, obesity, and gastroesophageal reflux disease are among the other factors.

As a result, adopting natural asthma treatments to stop snoring may be a viable option for asthmatics who also snore.

Key Takeaways

It is not difficult to have a decent night’s sleep, but you must first determine the source of the issue. Then, if you have a partner, try to tackle the issue jointly. Try some of these strategies and, by process of elimination, you could find that the wonderful, much-desired eight hours of sleep is always in your future.

Check with your doctor before using essential oils or herbal medicines if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on medication, or have a medical condition.

Remember, if you’re trying to figure out how to stop snoring, first figure out what sort of snorer you are: mouth shut snorer, mouth wide open snorer, back snorer, or snorer regardless. Then follow these steps to stop snoring naturally:

  • Sleeping on one’s side
  • Goldenseal with peppermint oil
  • Fenugreek and spearmint
  • Vitamin C
  • Peppermint and eucalyptus
  • Oral appliance
  • Maintenance of weight
  • Humidifier
  • Alcohol should be limited or avoided.
  • Exercises for the throat and tongue
  • Late-night dairy and large meals should be avoided.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I snore a lot?

A: Snoring is a common condition characterized by vibrating sounds that are created when the throat muscles (obstruction) close off airflow. It may also be caused by mouth breathing or excessive use of cigarettes and alcohol.

How can I prevent snoring?

A: Well, based on your question, it seems that you snore very often. However, people who snore may be able to prevent their condition by needing to sleep on their back and avoid alcohol before bedtime.

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