Alkaline Diet Foods

The alkaline diet promotes consuming foods high in antioxidants and minerals. An acidic atmosphere may create health issues, including cancer and heart disease. However, an alkaline diet emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, complete grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.


There are many different diets out there, some excellent, some terrible, but a mainly plant-based alkaline diet is probably the best for lifespan and illness prevention.

I was hoping you could take my word for it, but don’t take my word for it. According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health, eating an alkaline diet may help reduce morbidity and mortality from various chronic illnesses and disorders, including hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D insufficiency, and poor bone density mention a few.

What are the benefits of an alkaline diet? Fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed plant-based sources of protein, for example, have been shown to result in a more alkaline urine pH level, which helps preserve healthy cells and balance vital mineral levels, according to research. In addition, because hormone levels may be affected by intermittent fasting and the keto diet, this is particularly relevant for women.

Alkaline diets (also known as alkaline ash diets) have been proven to help prevent plaque development in blood vessels, prevent calcium from collecting in urine, avoid kidney stones, strengthen bones, decrease muscle atrophy or spasms, and much more.

Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet aims to assist your body’s fluids, such as blood and urine, maintain a healthy pH level.

The alkaline ash diet, alkaline acid diet, acid ash diet, pH diet, and Dr. Sebi’s alkaline diet are all names for the same diet (Dr. Sebi was an herbalist who created a plant-based version of the diet).

The mineral density of the meals you consume has a role in determining your pH. All living creatures and life forms on the planet rely on maintaining proper pH levels, and it’s frequently stated that illness and disorder cannot thrive in a pH-balanced body.

The alkaline diet’s foundations are based on the concepts of the acid ash theory. “The acid-ash hypothesis posits that protein and grain foods, with a low potassium intake, produce a diet acid load, net acid excretion (NAE), increased urine calcium, and calcium release from the skeleton, leading to osteoporosis,” according to research published in Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

The alkaline diet attempts to prevent this by carefully considering food pH values to minimize dietary acid consumption.

Although some specialists may disagree with this assertion, almost all experts believe that a pH level of 7.365–7.4 in the blood is required for human existence. “Our bodies go to great lengths to maintain acceptable pH levels,” writes Forbes Magazine.

Depending on the time of day, your diet, what you last ate, and when you later went to the toilet, your pH may vary between 7.35 to 7.45. If you have electrolyte imbalances and eat too many acidic meals — also known as acid ash foods — your body’s pH level will change, resulting in more significant “acidosis.”

What “pH Level” Actually Means?

The potential of hydrogen is referred to as pH. It’s a metric for how acidic or alkaline our body’s fluids and tissues are.

It is graded on a scale of 0 to 14 points. The lower the pH of a solution, the more acidic it is. The higher the value, the more alkaline the body is.

A pH of about 7 is considered neutral, but since the optimum human body pH is around 7.4, we consider a slightly alkaline pH the healthiest.

The stomach is the most acidic part of the body, with pH values varying throughout. Therefore, even little changes in the pH of different species may create serious issues. For example, the pH of the ocean has decreased from 8.2 to 8.1 due to environmental problems such as increased CO2 deposition, and different ocean life forms have suffered significantly as a result.

The pH level is also essential for plant growth. Therefore it has a significant impact on the mineral content of the meals we consume. Minerals in the ocean, soil, and human body act as buffers to keep pH levels in check; thus, as acidity rises, minerals plummet.

What Is an Alkaline Diet?

Here’s some history on acidity and alkalinity in the human diet, as well as some important facts regarding how alkaline diets may help:

  • When it comes to the overall acid load of the human diet, researchers think “there have been significant shifts from hunter-gatherer cultures to the present.” In comparison to diets of the previous 200 years, our food supply contains considerably less potassium, magnesium, and chloride, as well as significantly more salt, thanks to the agricultural revolution and subsequent widespread industrialization of our food supply.
  • The kidneys usually keep our electrolyte levels in check (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium). These electrolytes are utilized to counteract acidity when we are exposed to excessively acidic substances.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Health, the potassium-to-sodium ratio in most people’s diets has shifted significantly. Potassium used to outnumber sodium by a factor of ten to one, but today the balance is one to three. On average, those who follow a “Standard American Diet” now ingest three times as much salt as potassium! This significantly adds to our bodies’ alkaline environment.
  • Many children and adults nowadays eat a high-sodium diet that is deficient in antioxidants, fiber, critical vitamins, and magnesium and potassium. Furthermore, processed fats, simple carbohydrates, salt, and chloride are abundant in the average Western diet.
  • All of these dietary modifications have increased by “metabolic acidosis.” To put it another way, many people’s pH levels are no longer optimum. Furthermore, many people have poor nutritional intake and issues like potassium and magnesium insufficiency.

Health Advantages

So, why is an alkaline diet beneficial to your health? Because alkaline meals include essential elements that aid in preventing premature aging and the loss of organ and cellular functioning.

As described further below, alkaline diet advantages may include assisting in preventing tissue and bone deterioration, which may be harmed when too much acidity depletes us of essential minerals.

1. Bone density and muscle mass are protected

Mineral intake is critical for the formation and maintenance of bone structures. For example, according to research, the more alkalizing fruits and vegetables a person consumes, the less likely they are to develop sarcopenia or a loss of bone strength and muscle mass as they age.

An alkaline diet may help with bone health by regulating the ratio of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, essential for growing bones and preserving lean muscle mass.

The diet may also aid in synthesizing growth hormones and the absorption of vitamin D, which preserves bones while also reducing the risk of many other chronic illnesses.

2. Reduces Hypertension and Stroke Risk

Reduced inflammation and increased growth hormone production are two of the anti-aging benefits of an alkaline diet.

This has been proven to enhance cardiovascular health and protect against excessive cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney stones, stroke, and even memory loss.

3. Reduces Inflammation and Chronic Pain

According to research, an alkaline diet has been linked to lower levels of chronic pain. Back discomfort, headaches, muscular spasms, menstruation symptoms, inflammation, and joint pain have all been linked to persistent acidosis.

Patients with chronic back pain who were given an alkaline supplement daily for four weeks reported substantial reductions in pain as assessed by the “Arhus low back pain assessment scale,” according to research performed by the Society for Minerals and Traced Elements Germany.

4. Helps to prevent Magnesium Deficiency by increasing vitamin absorption

Magnesium is needed to properly function hundreds of enzyme systems and physiological functions. Unfortunately, many individuals are magnesium deficient, resulting in heart problems, muscular discomfort, migraines, sleep problems, and anxiety.

Magnesium is also needed to activate vitamin D and avoid vitamin D insufficiency, critical for general immunological and endocrine health.

5. Aids in the improvement of immune function and cancer prevention

When cells lack the minerals they need to dispose of waste effectively or adequately oxygenate the body, the whole body suffers. Mineral loss impairs vitamin absorption, while toxins and infections build up in the body, weakening the immune system.

Is it true that eating an alkaline diet may help you avoid cancer? While the subject is debatable and untested, a study published in the British Journal of Radiology revealed indications that malignant cell death (apoptosis) was more probable in an alkaline body.

An alkaline change in pH owing to an adjustment in electric charges and the release of essential components of proteins is thought to be linked to cancer prevention. In addition, alkalinity has been proven to be more helpful for certain chemotherapeutic drugs that need a higher pH to function correctly and reduce inflammation and the risk of illnesses like cancer.

6. It may assist you in maintaining a healthy weight

Although the diet isn’t exclusively for weight reduction, sticking to an alkaline diet meal plan for weight loss may assist you in avoiding becoming obese.

Due to the diet’s potential to lower leptin levels and inflammation, limiting acid-forming meals and eating more alkaline-forming foods may make it simpler to lose weight. This has an impact on your appetite as well as your fat-burning ability.

Because alkaline-forming foods are anti-inflammatory, following an alkaline diet allows your body to reach normal leptin levels and feel satiated with eating the correct number of calories.

A keto alkaline diet, which is low in carbohydrates and rich in healthy fats, is one of the most excellent methods to attempt if weight reduction is one of your primary objectives.

How to Comply

How can you stay alkaline in your body? Here are some essential points to remember while eating an alkaline diet:

1. Buy organic alkaline foods wherever feasible

One essential aspect of eating an alkaline diet, according to experts, is to learn about the kind of soil your food was produced in since fruits and vegetables cultivated in organic, mineral-dense soil are more alkalizing. However, according to research, the type of soil in which plants are produced has a significant impact on their vitamin and mineral content, implying that not all “alkaline foods” are made equal.

For the most significant overall availability of critical nutrients in plants, the pH of the soil should be between 6 and 7. Acidic soils with a pH below 6 may have lower calcium and magnesium levels, whereas soils with a pH of more than 7 may contain chemically inaccessible iron, manganese, copper, and zinc. In addition, the healthiest soil is well-rotated, organically maintained, and exposed to wildlife/grazing cattle.

2. Consume alkaline water

The pH of alkaline water ranges from 9 to 11. Therefore, it’s perfectly safe to consume distilled water. Although reverse osmosis filtered water is somewhat acidic, it is still preferable to tap water or purified bottled water. Alkalinity may also be increased by adding pH drops, lemon or lime, or baking soda to your water.

3. Check your pH level (optional)

You may test your pH level by buying strips at your local health food shop or pharmacy if you’re interested in your pH level before following the suggestions below. Saliva or urine may be used to determine your pH.

The greatest effects will come from your second urine of the morning. The colors on your test strip are compared to a chart included with your test strip kit. One hour before a meal and two hours after a meal is ideal for testing your pH throughout the day. If you’re pushing your saliva, aim for a reading of 6.8 to 7.2.

Alkaline Foods to Eat

A high alkaline diet is mainly plant-based, but you don’t have to be a devout vegetarian to follow it. Here’s a list of the meals you should focus on the most:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of alkalinity. So which foods are the healthiest; for instance, are bananas alkaline? What about broccoli, for example? Mushrooms, citrus, dates, raisins, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado, summer black radish, alfalfa grass, barley grass, cucumber, kale, jicama, wheatgrass, broccoli, oregano, garlic, ginger, green beans, endive, cabbage, celery, red beet, watermelon, figs, and ripe bananas are just a few of the top choices.
  • Raw foods in general: Try to eat as much of your vegetables as possible uncooked. Fruits and vegetables that haven’t been cooked are considered to be biogenic or “life-giving.” In addition, cooking depletes alkalizing minerals in meals. Try juicing or gently boiling fruits and vegetables to increase your raw food consumption.
  • Almonds, navy beans, lima beans, and most other beans are excellent sources of plant protein.
  • Alkaline water.
  • Green beverages: Alkaline-forming foods and chlorophyll are abundant in drinks prepared from powdered green vegetables and grasses. Chlorophyll has a similar structure to our blood and helps to alkalize it.
  • Sprouts, wheatgrass, Kamut, fermented soy like natto or tempeh, and seeds are good additions to an alkaline diet.

Acidic foods

What foods should you stay away from if you’re on an alkaline diet? Acidic foods include the following:

  • Processed meals are high in sodium chloride, often known as table salt, which constricts blood vessels and causes acidity.
  • Cold cuts and traditional cuts of meat
  • Cereals that have been processed (such as corn flakes)
  • Eggs
  • Caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages
  • Oats and whole wheat products: Acidity is produced in the body by all grains, complete or not. The majority of Americans’ plant food allotment is consumed in the form of processed maize or wheat.
  • Calcium-rich dairy products, such as milk, are responsible for some of the highest incidences of osteoporosis. This is because they induce acidity in the body! When your circulation gets excessively acidic, it will attempt to adjust the pH by stealing calcium (a more alkaline material) from your bones. So eating enough alkaline green leafy vegetables is the greatest approach to avoid osteoporosis!
  • Walnuts and peanuts
  • Pasta, rice, bread, and packaged grain goods are just a few examples.

What other behaviors may lead your body to become acidic? Among the worst offenders are:

  • Use of alcohol and other drugs
  • Caffeine consumption is high.
  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Sweeteners made from artificial sources
  • Stress that lasts a long time
  • Food nutrition levels are declining as a result of industrial farming.
  • Fiber deficiency in the diet
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive consumption of animal foods in the diet (from non-grass-fed sources)
  • Nutrition, health and beauty products, and plastics that contain too many hormones
  • Chemicals and radiation from home cleaners, construction materials, computers, mobile phones, and microwaves are all sources of exposure.
  • Preservatives and food coloring
  • Over-exercise
  • Herbicides and pesticides are used to control weeds and pests.
  • Pollution
  • Chewing and eating habits that aren’t up to par
  • Foods that have been refined and processed
  • Breathing is shallow.

Paleo Diet vs. Alkaline Diet

  • Many aspects of the Paleo and alkaline diets are similar, as are many advantages, such as the decreased risk of nutritional shortages, reduced inflammation, improved digestion, weight reduction or management, and so on.
  • Removing added sugars, lowering consumption of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, eliminating grains and processed carbohydrates, reducing or eliminating dairy/milk intake, and boosting intake of fruits and vegetables are some of the similarities between the two.
  • However, if you intend to follow the Paleo diet, there are a few things to keep in mind. For many individuals, the Paleo diet excludes all dairy products, including yogurt and kefir, which may be significant sources of probiotics and nutrients — Furthermore, the Paleo diet doesn’t necessarily stress consuming organic foods or grass-fed/free-range meat (in moderation/limited amounts).
  • Furthermore, the Paleo diet includes a lot of meat, pig, and seafood, all of which have their own set of disadvantages.
  • In general, overeating animal protein may lead to acidity rather than alkalinity. As amino acids are broken down, beef, chicken, cold cuts, seafood, and pig may accumulate sulfuric acid in the blood. To keep your pH level balanced, try to get the highest quality animal products you can and diversify your protein consumption.

Risks and Consequences

Some items on the “very acidic list,” such as eggs and walnuts, may surprise you. Although they are acidic in your body, don’t let that stop you from consuming them. They are nevertheless vital since they include various additional health advantages, such as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

The bottom line is that we’re aiming for a healthy balance. It’s possible to become overly alkaline in terms of pH, and eating some acidic foods is both normal and beneficial.

Our issue is due to a lack of alkaline-promoting foods rather than consuming too many acids from nutritious, complete meals. You’ll be OK if you eat a variety of simple, whole meals (mainly vegetables and fruit) and minimize your intake of packaged goods.

Last Thoughts

  • What does it mean to eat an alkaline diet? It’s a mainly plant-based diet that contains whole foods and has a beneficial impact on blood and urine pH levels.
  • Better heart health, stronger bones, reduced discomfort, weight loss assistance, and nutritional deficiency reversal are some of the health advantages of an alkaline diet.
  • Whole fruits and vegetables, raw meals, green juices, legumes, and nuts are part of an alkaline diet.
  • High-sodium meals, processed cereals, too much meat and animal protein, added sweets, and regular milk are all acidic items that should be avoided on an alkaline diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you eat on an alkaline diet?

A: Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of alkalinity.

What are the most alkaline foods?

A: Most alkaline foods are fruits and vegetables that have a high pH level.

How can I make my body more alkaline?

A: You can do this by eating more green vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding processed foods.

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